Elliot Road Factory

Elliot Road is located a short walk from the OPS head office in Cirencester. A local manufacturing company approached OPS after outgrowing their existing space to expand their facilities.

This new steel framed building consists of one large factory space which will contain various pieces of machinery and liquid storage tanks with a small adjacent room that will be a canteen for the factory staff.

The site comprises of three factory units with an adjacent car park. The new building is to be constructed on the edge of the car park.  The building frame has been designed as a portalised steel frame.

Client: Broxton Industries Ltd.

Location: Cirencester, UK

Architect: Mike Smith Architect

Structural Engineer: OPS Structures Ltd

Completed: 2018

+ Design Considerations

The building is to be an extension of the existing factory but will have no structural connections with the existing so that no connections will have to be made into the existing cladding which contains asbestos materials.

The location is a site of a pre-existing railway cutting and is within close proximity to overhead power cables. The foundation solution uses a piled system to support reinforced concrete ground beams and a suspended ground floor slab. Fill to the cutting has been made up to ground level. As a result of the old railway sleepers and cess drains within the fill, there is a low level of methane present in the ground and venting has been agreed with the local authority to avoid any build-up. The presence of overhead power cables has always been a health and safety consideration and OPS provided guidance on the clearance required when erecting and working with the frame.


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